Category: Multiple Topics

  • Employment and Unemployment

    If you follow me on LinkedIn or Twitter (and thank you for doing so), you know that I post economic updates.  My posts include links to the Employment Trends Index® (from The Conference Board) as well as government unemployment numbers.  I don’t pretend to...


  • Half Way Through 2021 (2020 – a year to ‘remember’ AND forget at the same time!)

    2021 – I remember the excitement of ending 2020 (‘thank goodness that’s over!) and the hopeful way in which we entered 2021.  The pandemic is still in our (recent) memories.  Things seem to be opening up cautiously.  Some things are more open than...


  • Time To Renew Zoom!

    So many reminders that the pandemic has been part of our lives for just over one year . . . . . . I received my Zoom ‘Standard Pro’ annual auto-renewal notice yesterday.  (Zoom was a ‘baby technology’ one year ago.) Harvard Business...


  • Family and Privately-Held Businesses

    One of the focus areas of Abeln, Magy, Underberg & Associates is working with family-owned and closely-held businesses. Over the years, we have had the pleasure of working with newer family enterprises, as well as those with long and proud histories. Clients have...


  • 2021 Terminology – and NEW Interpretations!

    Who knew that the names Zoom, WebEx, Google Hangouts and GoToMeeting would become part of our vocabulary – and our lives.  (Does anyone use Skype anymore?)   Each year (or two), I update a list of terms that are somewhat trendy – and definitely...


  • Ethics – Still in the Forefront

    This year has been ‘different’ – no matter who you are or what you do, the rules have changed.  We go into buildings wearing a mask (who ever thought that going into a bank wearing a mask would be acceptable behavior).  We silently judge people when they...


  • Bringing People Back TO The Office – Are We Better At Home Or ‘At Work’?

    It’s novel (at least it was) – working from home.  When you joined your employer, you asked about flexibility – hoping that work from home was an option at least some of the time.  Sick child?  Work from home.  Winter storm?  Work from...


  • Technology – The Positive Impact Today

    I remember when having a computer was still new (no age comments please).  In addition, there were actually ‘machines’ what were really just word processors.  The first ‘Word Processor’ I worked on was the size of a desk – an entire desk.  The...


  • Keeping Up On Terminology for 2020

    Every year or two, we try to find the new words (and repeating words) that are new yet have become part of our daily vocabulary (or will become part of our daily vocabulary).  Here is the list for 2020.  Enjoy - and start using them...


  • We often ask potential candidates if they are ready for a change.

    We have had to ask ourselves that same question. January is that time, when it is natural to think about changes, starting with writing the new year--2020. And 2020 has already brought about several changes:  Our...


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