Category: Compensation

  • The Brady Bunch and LeBron James

    OR . . . . . Culture and Market – How The Brady Bunch and LeBron James Fit In Earlier this month, I was attending a networking event through TCSHRM (Twin Cities Society for Human Resource Management) and ran into a long-time friend.  (Thank you Larry...


  • Salary - The Discussion We Have To Have

    Can you ask a person’s salary history?  Does it matter what they make or made?  Doesn’t the company have a range they work from? These are great questions – and have been asked for what seems to be forever – since I first entered the human...


  • Executive Compensation Update

    It's summer - and it has been a beautiful one so far (yes - it is officially still spring).  The weather is great; people seem to be in a positive place - the economy appears to be slowly recovering (lumpy recovery, but the trajectory seems positive).  What better time to...


  • What is your salary?

    A 'simple' question - but one that evokes terror and concern whenever it is heard.   Only four words - yet they have incredible power. Terror - why do they need to know?  How do I approach it? Concern - what if I make too much?  What if I make too...


  • Do we need all the laws we have?

    This is not going to be a political 'rant' . . . . . but a question based on some research conducted for a class I recently attended as a guest lecturer.  I was invited by Kathleen Lafferty, Director of HR for Hanley Wood Marketing and...


  • Executive Compensation - a 'Book Report'

    I am not an executive compensation expert.  We work with compensation packages on every search; we have an amazing amount of information (we ask every candidate we pursue about their compensation package).  We are able to give good market data to our clients. I started...


  • Transparency

    The quality of being clear and transparent The 2010 theme for compensation programs at all levels appears to be Transparency. I decided to look for definitions of this word/concept on the Internet. The first is mentioned in the above headline. The second is a...


  • You get what you bonus!

    Pay for Performance - it is what we all say we want (in good economic times - and assuming we think of ourselves as great performers) and it appears to be what companies, more and more often, want to...


  • We have to pay you?

    Whenever we conduct a search - regardless of position level, function or industry - we ask each prospective candidate for their current salary information. In almost all cases, we get current salary and bonus/commission information. The result is that for each position,...