Category: Career Management

  • Boundaries

    I just called a candidate about a President search we are conducting. He answered the phone on the second ring. I heard multiple voices in the background; I also heard a strong wind. I asked him if I had caught him at a bad time. He said no - he was simply at the beach....


  • New College Graduates

    Yes - we are a retained search firm. Yes - we work with people who often have substantial work experience (a typical search requires 10 or more years of experience). No - we do not work with entry-level positions. That said, many of our clients and contacts seem to have...


  • Remaining Relevant

    Earlier this week, I had the privilege of being on a panel at the Carlson School of Management (through the Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies) at a Professional Development event. The topic was Remaining Relevant in a Changing Economy. Our...


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