• Mid-November to mid-January - the best time to . . . . . .

    . . . . . . NETWORK! Many years ago, a study was done that actually tried to quantify how long it takes to find a job.  Through multiple-regression analysis (a subject I once studied in graduate level statistics), 57 different factors were identified that impacted...


  • Two Great Companies - Two Completely Different Cultures

    This coming week, I have the privilege of being a guest presenter at the University of Minnesota.  The class I will be attending is Management 4008 - Entrepreneurial Management - Launch to Maturity. The easy part of my presentation is talking...


  • Introducing PSA

    It is hard to believe that Abeln, Magy, Underberg & Associates has been in business since 1996 (we are into our 17th year).  As with everything, it has gone by fast at times and slower at other times.  We have maintained our independence and approach to search.  That...


  • Two messages, one theme.

    I recently listened to two sermons (yes - religious sermons).  One was about the importance of striking a balance between being selfish and being ...


  • Ethics: Confidentiality and Threats

    Two diverse topics - but under one heading. These are true 'situations' that have come to our attention in just the past two weeks. Both came from senior level HR people. Their stories (with no names, of course) follow. Confidentiality: ...


  • What makes for a strong resume (AND a stronger candidate vetting process)?

    The last post was titled Gone in 6 Seconds! It really doesn't take long to screen a resume (at least for the initial screen).  What do we look for?  The two questions contained in the Blog title can be answered at the same...


  • Gone in 6 seconds!

    TheLadders recently posted a study on how long the average recruiter spends looking at a resume.  So much for the myth of 10 seconds - we're down to 6 seconds! Enter Dr. John Sullivan's article (see www.ere.net - posted July 16, 2012):  ...


  • Tips for People in Transition

    Every year (for the past few years), I have been asked by the people at Lee Hecht Harrison (in Minneapolis) to give a presentation that we title "What a Difference a Year Makes."  The first year was purely about economic...


  • Career Advice

    Earlier this week, I was listening to the Wall Street Journal Report (on the radio between 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.).  They mentioned a CareerBuilder study on the high percentage of job seekers that apply for jobs for which they know they are NOT qualified.  (This was a...


  • Executive Compensation Update

    It's summer - and it has been a beautiful one so far (yes - it is officially still spring).  The weather is great; people seem to be in a positive place - the economy appears to be slowly recovering (lumpy recovery, but the trajectory seems positive).  What better time to...


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