Google Is A Powerful Tool
The subtitle should read:
Tell The Truth
We have written about people who do not tell the truth about their credentials in the past. We find that between 10% - 15% of all candidates fabricate a degree on their resume. It is easy to catch . . . . . we verify everyone. When we catch someone (remember, at least 1 out of 10 times), we often hear that no one has checked for years. The underlying message from the candidate is that they have the experience . . . . . so why does the degree really matter?
Back to 'Tell The Truth'
Recently, the University of Minnesota'a Athletic Director resigned. In looking backwards in the case, it appears that a great deal of his background was never fully vetted. The question becomes, can we find the truth out about people?
Rick Underberg (of Abeln, Magy, Underberg & Associates) was recently interviewed for an article in MINNPOST (see During the interview he stated, “It’s striking the lack of vetting that happens sometimes, in particular in higher [education] roles." It isn't just higher education; it's all industries and functional areas.
Use the Resources Available To You
You don't need to hire a background checking organization - although it is not a bad idea, especially for high-visibility and public-facing positions. You do need to use what is available for checking, however. Start with a simple Google search . . . . . and look beyond page #1 for results. We find the best information is on pages #2 through #4. Try it yourself . . . . . or Google yourself. You may need to find a computer that does NOT know you - your results are received based on your past search history.
Get a Signed Release
Sometimes the simple mention of a release gets the results you seek. While we still have the education verification issue mentioned above (after receiving the release), this topic does open a conversation. It may save you time; it may also save your client or organization major issues.