Do you know someone who can help us with a search?
We need to get out there more!
I was recently at a lunch meeting and was asked if I knew of a firm that could conduct a head of IT search. The person I was having lunch with is a past client - we had successfully conducted three searches for her previous organization in three different functional areas, but none in IT. My response was to ask if she knew an HR leader (name was provided by me) at another client. The answer was 'yes'; I suggested a call to that person to ask who did their recent head of IT role. The answer of course was: Abeln, Magy, Underberg & Associates.
Multi-Specialty Firm
When we started our firm - August 1, 1996, we had no retained search experience. We did have substantial experience matching people and jobs. Our first searches in 1996 and 1997 - sales, finance and HR areas. We have broadened from there - working across multiple industries (including the not-for-profit area) and functions. And we have worked across multiple levels - from the C-suite to hard-to-fill, high-level individual contributor roles. Categories include:
- Executive/Leadership Positions
- Finance and Accounting
- Human Resources
- Operations, IT and Engineering
- Marketing and Sales
Do we want to specialize?
During varying phases and economic cycles, we have asked this of ourselves. The answer has been and continues to be NO. We enjoy the diversity of what we do - by industry, function and geography. At another recent meeting, I was asked about our geographical reach. The answer - we have conducted searches across the country and Canada (with one search in Mexico as well). And we seem to be good at finding people to relocate into what are sometimes referred to as remote locations (places where people respond with, "where?").
Research and Ethics
Having a great research staff - a must as a multi-specialty firm. We need to gain access to functional and industry leaders quickly. Being multi-specialty also assures diversity in our clients - and rarely causes off-limits issues. (Specialty firms and their off limits challenges will a topic of a future blog entry.)