Category: Recruiting

  • What makes for a strong resume (AND a stronger candidate vetting process)?

    The last post was titled Gone in 6 Seconds! It really doesn't take long to screen a resume (at least for the initial screen).  What do we look for?  The two questions contained in the Blog title can be answered at the same...


  • How To Work With Recruiters

    On May 31st (2012), I was a panelist at a local FENG program (FENG is the Financial Executives Networking Group - see  While there were multiple topics we were...


  • Where do candidates come from?

    (I had a vision of a 3 year old child asking this question to their parents as I wrote the Blog title!) Approximately once per quarter, I address a group of executives in transition on the topic of How To Work With A...


  • More on Ethics - Areas for Concern!

    The search person says to the HR person:  I want to lead a discussion on Ethics in the Search Field. The HR person responds:  Well that won't take long! Sad, but all too true - and these...


  • Long-Term Trends We See: Results, Business Knowledge and Education

    A recent article found on titled Hidden Executive Job Market Requires New Tactics and Takes Longer than Expected (found at ...


  • We Want You! (Now Get To Work!)

    This coming Friday (November 18, 2011), I will be speaking at the MnCUPA-HR (Minnesota College and University Professional Association for Human Resources) fall conference.  The conference title is, HR as Business Partner:...


  • Ethics in Recruiting

    December 1st 2009 - our first Blog posting - and the topic was Ethics in the Search Field.  This continues to be a topic of interest - and one that continues to surprise HR professionals when it sneaks up on them.  It is...


  • No Cost - Please Apply!

    Subtitle:  The Opposite of Post and Pray Yet another post where someone will say, "wow - is he old" after they read it. I remember, not so long ago, when applying for a posted or advertised position actually took some...


  • Looking out to 2020!

    War for Talent – a term coined and researched by McKinsey & Company starting in 1997.  The conclusion – key talent for many roles was going to be in short supply.  Fast forward (there was certainly more in between) to 2003.  A book was written, ...


  • Post and Pray?

    As part of some pre-work for a retained search industry conference I helped plan (conference was held at the end of April), I asked a few of our clients about their perspective on the market, and their workforce and succession planning plans.  Each of the people on the...


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