Gone in 6 seconds!
TheLadders recently posted a study on how long the average recruiter spends looking at a resume. So much for the myth of 10 seconds - we're down to 6 seconds!
Enter Dr. John Sullivan's article (see www.ere.net - posted July 16, 2012): What's Wrong With Using Resumes for Hiring? Pretty Much Everything
The best part of the article is that it can be read from two perspectives - from the perspective of the resume reader (I believe this is the intent of the article) and from the perspective of the resume writer. Regardless of your perspective, there is incredible value. Dr. Sullivan lists the top 30 problems (this means that there are more than 30). Here are a few . . . . . with anecdotes/true stories from candidates we encounter.Resumes frequently contain untruths and half-truths
The writer references some staggering numbers. My personal favorite - 92% of college students admit to lying on their resume and that 53% of all resumes contain actual lies. We see it all the time - inaccurate dates of employment, fictitious degrees and entire jobs removed (other jobs/dates stretched to cover the time period).- Please note - there is a reason we get a release from our candidates to verify degrees/check references.