What does AARP say about job searching?
As a search firm, candidates often come to us asking for assistance in their job search. While we don't do anything proactive for the job seeker (we are retained by employers to fill their management and leadership positions), we do keep up on the latest in job search tactics. We even talk about it - often speaking with/to Job Support Groups. This past Tuesday (11/29), I was speaking to the Job Connections Group (sponsored through Prince of Peace and Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Churches). My topic:
- Job Search for the Mature Seeker
Does job search differ if you are 40+ or 50+?
The answer is not really. I googled multiple iterations of the topic and scoured the AARP website (I am too vain to be a member . . . . . yet). There are multiple articles on the topic. Many are written under the assumption that retirement is part of the short-term plan. Throwing those out, I read multiple articles with titles such as 5 Ways to Prove Your Worth, Top 10 Tips For Job Hunters Over 50 (that was from Forbes), and Finding a Job Is a Job: Job Search Strategy for 50+ Workers. The conclusion?Effective job searching involves executing job search strategies - regardless of age.
That said, here are the top 10 tips from the Forbes article:- Cast a wide net. (While focus is important, think about your skills as transferable to new settings.)
- Focus on smaller employers and not-for-profits. (In good or bad economic times, these employers need the skills a mature worker brings.)
- Network.
- Ask for help. (Attend job support groups; talk with other past job seekers, etc.)
- Be up-to-date with the latest technology.
- Keep your resume alive. (Add classes, significant volunteer experience, etc.)
- Pitch your age as a plus. (Talk about your accomplishments, not simply past areas of responsibility.)
- Fine-tune your interview skills.
- Don't be a know-it-all with a chip on your shoulder. (Focus on your best moments and never bad-mouth past employers; I had a recent CFO candidate do this - it did not help to make him a viable candidate.)
- Overqualified? Deal with it! (Focus on the opportunity if you truly want it.)
A quote from the Frank Capra movie, Lost Horizon:
- “Age is a limit we impose upon ourselves. You know, each time you Westerners celebrate your birthday you build another fence around your minds.”