Social Networking: LinkedIn?
Is LinkedIn the NEW monster in the room?
Yes - I have a LinkedIn profile. Yes - I have multiple 'electronic' contacts. What is LinkedIn becoming - and is it of value?
Networking is an overused job search term
Networking is, in all studies I have found, the number one way in which people find new positions. When I think of networking, I think of strategically scheduled meetings with key connections. It may be about jobs; it does NOT need to be. It can be about anything - it is simply an exchange of information.
It is an overused term by its current connotation . . . . . the way to find a NEW job.
Is LinkedIn the way to go?
In looking at LinkedIn's homepage, I discovered that conducting a job search (as a candidate) is not listed among the reasons for having a LinkedIn account. In all honesty, the homepage does list "Post and distribute job listings to find the best talent for your company" as one of its suggestions.
Believing what you read?
I checked the LinkedIn profiles of candidates that, through external verification, we found did not tell us the truth about their credentials. Their profiles contain the same mis-information. I decided to check further - people I know with a short-tenured employment situation or two. Interestingly, some of their past employers were not listed as part of their work history.
Are people more likely to make false statements on LinkedIn or on a resume? In discussing it with my colleagues here, we decided that people would more likely falsify their background on LinkedIn. Why did we come to this (unscientific) conclusion? LinkedIn is a personal 'advertisement'; a resume is directly submitted to an employer - and has ramifications if it is not correct.
Be careful!
Yes - LinkedIn is one of the tools in use today by retained search firms. It is also in use by many employers as a primary or one of the primary talent acquisition strategies in use. We have found that between 10% and 15% of the people we want to interview have created a degree on their resume that does not exist. We assume the numbers are the same (if not worse) with LinkedIn profiles.